Internet sites with useful RPG papercraft resources.: TEODOM PAPER MODELS – https://sites.google.com/view/teodompapermodels ONE MONK MINIATURES – http://onemonk.com/ TOPO SOLITARIO – http://www.toposolitario.com/workshop/index_papermodels.html MIMIR FAROOQ – https://www.deviantart.com/momirfarooq NEMONICO PAPERCRAFT – https://www.renderosity.com/mod/gallery/?uid=213248 GENET MODELS – http://www.genetmodels.com/free-stuff/

Wizardown Random World Map Generator

Link: http://wizardawn.and-mag.com/tool_world.php Here you can generate a random world (or underworld) using hexes and classic map icons. This map can be used to inspire an idea for a new world or give you a quick setting in which to host your current game. Simply pick a style, dimensions, climate, and any sides that face aContinue reading “Wizardown Random World Map Generator”

Wizardawn Sci-Fi Random Building or SpaceShip Generator

Here you can generate a random building or spaceship map based off of geomorphs created by Wizardawn Entertainment. Simply pick a dimension, map type, and whether you want the areas numbered. The “Exodus Spaceship” map produces a “Noah’s Ark” style spaceship with a climate controlled area in the middle…like a forest or desert.

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